Race of Life


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The East Africans, especially Kenyans have trained themselves to become experts at long distance races.

This has distinguished them from others in that field.

Do you know that you also need to train yourself for long distance races?

Pastor, what do you mean? I’m not an Athlete!

Oh, let me explain what I meant by saying you need to train yourself for long distance races too!

Our journey in life is not a dash, such that you run 50 metres or 100 metres and you end, it’s a marathon.

Though, we don’t all have the same number of metres to run, but within the allotted metres to you, there are hills to climb, rivers to swim, hurdles to scale and roses to cut, but sometimes there are thorns too.

You should also be ready for the long distance, because you will encounter some runners who stop to drink and eat along the way. You might think they are having fun, but the race is not over yet.

Excuse me, Pastor, please what then do you advise me to do? Because truly, when I see some people that we’re doing the same thing and they’re enjoying, I do beat myself that I’m not doing anything!


Alo Olatokunboh Akin

Oh, that’s very good, these are my pieces of advice!

๐ŸŽฏ Avoid measuring your worth against other people’s achievements – study yourself and know what works for you

๐ŸŽฏ Slow and Steady wins the race – run your race according to your pace and by the help of God

If you’re able to follow these two steps, you’ll realize that your life will align with Divine Purpose, and you’ll fulfill your Divine Destiny

I’m open to speaking at Conferences, Seminars, Audio Events and Webinars, I’m also available for Public Speaking Training

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